Church Council Minutes: December 19, 2024
Council Members Present: Pr. Brandon W., Dawn G., Gordy N., and Rick H.
Absent: Pr. Dennis, Destiny C. and Shana B.
Brandon called meeting to order.
Approval of Agenda: Dawn made a motion to approve the agenda; Rick 2nd; MC
Pastor’s Report:
Treasurer’s Report:
Committee Reports:
Old Business:
Minutes from the last meeting were read by the council members. Rick made a motion to approve
the November minutes and Brandon 2nd, MC
Dawn made a motion, Brandon 2nd to move $4,000 from the Cemetery fund to the Building fund. All
in favor; MC
Dawn will check on CD rates, terms and amounts before the next meeting..
No report.
Have not met.
Has not met.
Have not met.
The next meeting date will be January 9 @ 4:00pm at OS
No old business at this meeting.
New Business:
A. Annual Meeting: Election: There will be 2 openings on the council that will need to be filled. Brandon and Gordy
have completed their terms. Joel’l N. will complete her term on Parish Council. The annual
meeting will be held on February 9th.
Upcoming Events: Annual Meeting on February 9, 2025.
Calendar dates and next meeting:
We closed with the Lord’s Prayer
Submitted by Dawn Grannis
Next meeting: January 16th @ 6pm
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
Council Minutes – January 16, 2025
President Brandon W. opened the meeting. Present were Pastor Dennis, Rick H. and Dawn G..
Pastor Dennis reported that there have been a lot of funerals as of late.
Audit Approval was added as an agenda item, Dawn made a motion to approve the agenda, Rick seconded, all were in favor and the motion passed.
Rick made a motion to approve the minutes, Pastor Dennis seconded, all were in favor and the motion passed.
Discussion was held on the Treasurer’s report. Pastor Dennis made a motion, Rick seconded to move the Elevator fund into the Building fund. All were in favor and the motion passed.
Worship, Youth, Property and Stewardship committees have not met.
The next Parish Council meeting will be April 29 at 6:30 at St. Paul’s.
Laura has resigned as Sunday School teacher due to lack of attendance. Kelsey is thinking about running a 6 week Wednesday school session.
Dawn did some research on investment options and presented them at the meeting. It was left to Rick to check on one more option and then decide what he feels is best. Brandon made a motion to move the General Investment, Building Investment and Seminary fund into either CD’s or ICS funds. Dawn seconded, all were in favor and the motion passed.
Dawn A. and Trudy P. met with Rick to audit the books. Dawn says all looks good. The council received the report which will be passed on to the Annual Meeting.
The Annual Meeting will be February 9th after church with a potluck following. The Church Council will meet after that meeting to elect new officers.
Submitted by Dawn G., Council VP.
January 9, 2025, 4pm at Our Savior’s.
Members present – Mark A., Dale S., Dallas M., Tricia L., Pr. Dennis R., Billie Jo S., via phone. Absent: Joel’l N. k H.
The meeting was opened by President Dallas M. Prayer by Pastor Dennis.
Minutes of the October meeting were read. Mark A made a motion to approve the minutes; Dale S. 2nd; MC
Financial report: Dale made a motion to approve the financial report. Billie Joe 2nd the motion. MC.
Old Business: None
New Business: Discussion on the Mission Fund to have Rick H. check on a CD: Dallas made a motion for the dollar amount of $30,000 invest CD a 6month – 1yr CD; Mark 2nd ; MC
The next meeting is scheduled for April 29 @ SP at 6:30pm. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Adjourned at 4:30pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Tricia L.