Church Council Minutes: October 22, 2024
Council Members Present: Pastor Dennis, Gordy Neumiller, Rick H., Dawn G., Brandon W. Absent:
Shana B., Destiny C., and Riley C..
The meeting was called to order by President Brandon
Opening Prayers and Spiritual Thoughts by Pastor Dennis
Approval of Agenda: Rick made a motion to approve the agenda; Gordy 2nd; MC
Pastor’s Report:
Treasurer’s Report:
Committee Reports:
Old Business:
Pastor reported that the Bishop’s visit went well. Kelsey G. is not doing Wednesday school
and that Laura only has her own 2 children in attendance at Sunday school.
Dawn made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Gordy 2nd, MC
Pr. Dennis made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report and to pay all bills; Gordy 2nd, MC
Worship committee will meet the same day as the next council meeting.
Have not met.
Has not met.
Have not met.
Have not met yet.
Next meeting: January 9, 2025 @ 6:30pm at OS
A. Welcome Baskets:
B. Gutters:
C. Fundraiser:
Brandon, Lee and Dawn took care of the gutter cleaning.
The Fleischkeuchle fundraiser was a huge success.
New Business:
A. Budget:
annual meeting
B. Laptop:
his personal computer.
The budget for 2025 was worked on. The final budget increased by $4150. It will go to the
for congregational approval.
Pastor Dennis is looking into a laptop for Rick to use for financial use. He has been using
UPCOMING EVENTS and Other Business:
A. Turkey Dinner November 3.
Calendar dates and next meeting:
Ended with the Lord’s Prayer
Next meeting: November 21 @ 6pm
Center-Stanton Joint Parish Council Meeting
July 18, 2024, at St. Paul at 6:30
The meeting was opened by Joel’l N.
Members present were Billie Jo S., Dallas M., Dale S., Joel’l N., Tricia L., and Pr. Dennis. Absent: Mark A.
Minutes – Billie Jo S. made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Dale S. 2nd the motion – motion passed.
Financial report – Dallas M. made a motion to approve the June 2024 financial report. Dale S. 2nd the motion – MC.
New Business – Election of officers. New elected positions.
President – Joel’l N.
Vice President – Dallas M.
Secretary - Tricia L.
Dale S. made a motion to approve the new positions and Billie Jo S. 2nd - MC
Treasurer -Rick H.
The month of October will be to review the budget, assign an audit committee for the October meeting.
The month of January 2025 will be the Financial & Annual Report review.
The next meeting is October 17, 2024, at 6:30 at Our Savior’s.
The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Submitted by Tricia L. upon approval at the October meeting