Our Savior's Lutheran Church
Ph 701-745-3346
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Contact Us
Request for Prayer:
If you would like a prayer list or any other information,
 please include your mailing address.
email: oslc@westriv.com
​Pastor: 701-301-9380

News Please scroll down for the Usher Schedule and other news.


March 2: 
Greeters: Tessi O.
Reader: Dawn G.   Comm helper: 

Greeters: Tessi O.
Reader:  Joell N.   Comm. helper: 

March 16: 
Greeter: Trudy P., Jennifer O.
Reader: Dawn G. Comm. helper: 

March 23: 
Greeters: Cathy & Rick H.
Reader: Joell N.   Comm Helper: 

March 30:
​Greeters: John & Lina L.
Reader: Kelsey G.     Comm helper:

The assisting minister Dawn G. will call you on Saturday to remind you of your duties. Please let them know if you are unable to be there that Sunday so we can find a replacement.

Alter Circle for March 2025:
Donna B., Wanda K., Tricia L., Mary D.

Quilting at Our Savior’s

We would like to encourage anyone to come and join us. There is always something that you could help us do. We are more than willing to teach anyone that would like to help us. Right now 
there are about 10 of us that come every Tuesday 
starting at 10:00 a.m. We usually bring a sack lunch but 
it seems like someone always will bring more and we 
always have plenty to eat. 
We have made a lot of beautiful quilts and it is a 
wonderful time. If you know how to tie a knot, cut a 
square, know how to use an iron, etc. 
Come and join us.  

Our Savior’s WELCA, Joel’l 

Pastor Dennis deeply desires to bring Christian comfort and the power of prayer to those who are challenged with sickness or troubles in life. 

Please, call Pastor at 745-3346 if surgery or a hospital stay is imminent or if a visit from Pastor could be helpful. 

Hospitals or care centers are restricting visitation. Pastor Dennis is willing to do a phone visit and will inquire on in person visits. Please let Pastor Dennis know if your loved one is in a care center or hospital.

 "Two are better than one, because if one falls down, his friend can help him up." 
The Western North Dakota Synod publishes a monthly e-newsletter. To subscribe contact Lesley@wndsynod.org.
The Synod Website is found at http://wndsynod.org/
Bishop elect Rev. Craig Schweitzer
Church Council News
We are having services on Sundays. If you are
uncomfortable attending, but would  like to
contribute you can send your offering by mail to:
OSLC Box 27 Stanton, ND 58571. 

You can also signup for electronic payment by contacting:
Rick H.

Thank you for your consideration.

Brandon W., President, OSLC Council

Our Savior's 
Ushers and Greeters
Worship: 10:30am

                     2025 Retreat Programs

For Current information on Camp of the Cross activities please check out the website at  www.campofthecross.com

 Join Us for Retreats in 2025.  We have retreats for youth, women, men and families.
We will continue to monitor COVID-19 and how it may affect our community when we are gathered.

Questions: Call or e-mail our office today!

               January 2025

          Expenditure: $10,970.00

         Revenue: $6,502.00

          2025 Budget $128,350.00