Our Savior's Lutheran Church
Ph 701-745-3346
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Events at Our Savior's

 January Worship

Sunday Worship: 10:30

Wednesday Jan 8 
at 5:00 

Sunday School 

Contact us:
Office: 701-745-3346
email: oslc@westriv.com
Mail: PO Box 27, 
         608 Arthur Street, 
         Stanton, ND 58571

Welcome - 
Come share in the joy of the LORD

Please join us for worship,
EVERYONE is welcome!

Worship  Times
Our Saviors Lutheran Church
Sundays - 10:30 a.m. 

Tuesdays 10-4
(church basement)

Bible Study
February 13, 1:00
(church basement)

Big Questions
February 5, 6 pm 
(confirmands and mentors, parents)​

Annual Meeting
February 9, potluck to follow

Joint Parish Council
April 29, 6:30 St. Paul

​Our WELCA February mission:
Donations for Summit Counseling-
Cream soups, tomato soup, tomato sauce, 
salt/pepper, pasta, potatoes, dry beans or things 
like that; dessert and or baking supplies like 
chocolate chips, sugar, brown sugar, coconut, nuts 
raisins dates, flour, pie filling, oatmeal, cocoa, 
seasonings, peanut butter. Basically, things you would 
find if you opened your pantry. 
Thank you for your support. 

if you are feeling ill, please worship from home.

Our Savior's is growing a family of believers in Jesus Christ, welcoming all God's Children, 
joyfully worshiping God through Word and Sacrament and serving our neighbors with His Love.
E-News is available 
  • periodic email news
  • Monthly downloadable newsletter

Just send an email to oslc@westriv.com 
to register.
The 15th of the month is the newsletter deadline.​
Joint Parish Council
President: Joell N. (OS 2022-2025)
V. President: Dallas M. (OS 2024-2027)
Secretary: Tricia L. (OS 2024-2027)
Billie S. (OS 2023-2026)
Mark A. (SP 2022-2025)
Dale S. (SP 2023-2026)

Our Savior's Council:
President: Brandon W. (2022-2025)
V. President: Dawn G. (2024-2027)
Secretary: Shana B.(2023-2026)
Treasurer: Rick H. (2023-2026)
Destiny C. (2024-2027)
Riley C. (2024-2025)
Gordy N. (2022-2025)
Property: Gordy N. 

 OS Committee Members: 
Education: Pastor Dennis, Valerie S., 
Billie Jo S., & Cassandra D.

Property & Stewardship:
Gordy N. Lee A., Pr. Dennis, 
John L., Tom S.,  
DuWayne F., Ron B., & Linda S.

Worship & Evangelism:
Pastor Dennis, Sarah B., 
 Lina L., Dawn A. 
View  Sermons on YouTube: 
Our Savior's Lutheran Church Stanton, ND