Our Savior's Lutheran Church
March Worship
Sunday Worship: 10:30
Wednesday Jan 8
at 5:00
Sunday School
Contact us:
Office: 701-745-3346
email: oslc@westriv.com
Mail: PO Box 27,
608 Arthur Street,
Stanton, ND 58571
Welcome -
Come share in the joy of the LORD
Please join us for worship,
EVERYONE is welcome!
Worship Times
Our Saviors Lutheran Church
Sundays - 10:30 a.m.
Tuesdays 10-4
(church basement)
Bible Study
March 13, 1:00
(church basement)
Ash Wednesday
Mar 5, 6 pm
(no soup/sandwich)
Lenten service
March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9
Soup supper 5:00, worship 6:00
Wednesday Mar 12- April 19
Council meeting
Mar13, 6 pm, worship mtg at 5:00 pm
Maunday Thursday: April 17, 6 pm
Good Friday: April 18, 6 pm
Easter Sunrise: April 20 8:30
Easter Breakfast following sunrise service
Easter Resurrection service: 10:30
Joint Parish Council
April 29, 6:30 St. Paul
Our WELCA March mission:
Personal Care kits for Lutheran World Relief
This month WELCA is collecting personal care kits for Lutheran World Relief.
1 light-weight bath size towel, (20x40 or 52x27)
dark color recommended
2 or 3 bath-size bars of soap equaling 8 to 9 oz.
1 adult-size toothbrush in it’s original packaging
1 sturdy comb, remove packaging
1 metal nail clippers, remove packaging
*Please give new items only
*Toothbrush multi-packs may be use
Thank you for your support.
if you are feeling ill, please worship from home.
Our Savior's is growing a family of believers in Jesus Christ, welcoming all God's Children,
joyfully worshiping God through Word and Sacrament and serving our neighbors with His Love.
E-News is available
- Monthly downloadable newsletter
Just send an email to oslc@westriv.com
to register.
The 15th of the month is the newsletter deadline.
Joint Parish Council
President: Joell N. (OS 2022-2025)
V. President: Dallas M. (OS 2024-2027)
Secretary: Tricia L. (OS 2024-2027)
Billie S. (OS 2023-2026)
Mark A. (SP 2022-2025)
Dale S. (SP 2023-2026)
Our Savior's Council:
President: Brandon W. (2025-2028)
V. President: Dawn G. (2024-2027)
Secretary: Shana B.(2023-2026)
Treasurer: Rick H. (2023-2026)
Destiny C. (2024-2027)
Riley C. (2025-2026)
Kelsey (2025-2028)
OS Committee Members:
Education: Pastor Dennis, Valerie S.,
Billie Jo S., & Cassandra D.
Property & Stewardship:
Gordy N. Lee A., Pr. Dennis,
Tom S., DuWayne F.,
Worship & Evangelism:
Pastor Dennis, Sarah B.,
Lina L., Dawn A.
View Sermons on YouTube:
Our Savior's Lutheran Church Stanton, ND